• If you are receiving the COVID vaccine, you must book either 4 weeks BEFORE your first shot (if getting 2) or 4 weeks AFTER your second shot. This 4 week window before or after your vaccine is important, as we've seen reports that taking the vaccine close to a permanent cosmetic procedure may lead to excess swelling in the area.

  • Must be off accutane for 1 full year

  • Can not be pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Botox/Fillers must be done 4 weeks before/after procedure

  • Refrain from Retin-A, Chemical Peels, Glycolics, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Fish Oil, two weeks prior to appointment.

  • No Latisse on brow area for 3 weeks; if you're getting eyeliner done, no latisse on lash area!

  • Avoid any sunburn on the area to be treated

  • Avoid blood thinners, alcohol, ibuprofen, caffeine, and any other pain relievers 24-48 hours before your appointment.

  • Avoid working out 24 hours before the procedure.

  • Waxing/shaping if needed to be done no less than 1 week in advance

  • If you have little to no existing hair, your hair-stroke tattoo will appear more two-dimensional than those clients who have more hair naturally. A combo brow may be more suitable for you.

  • These procedures can NOT be done if you are prone to keloids.

  • *Must be over the legal age of 18 - Valid ID Required.

  • If you have any medical condition that concerns you regarding your tattoo, please email info@loverboycosmetictattoo.com

  • If you suffer from hemophilia, are undergoing radiotherapy/chemotherapy, suffer from epilepsy/seizures, have diabetes or hyperglycemia, any skin disorders / skin conditions, or any other autoimmune diseases, thyroid issues, etc, please talk to a doctor prior to any bookings. This is for YOUR SAFETY. If you have any questions regarding the note, please email info@loverboycosmetictattoo.com

    ***If you have a prior cosmetic tattoo, you must schedule a consultation. If it is too saturated, we may not be able to work it, or you will need to book a lightning/ removal session. ***

Lip Blush Precautions:

  • Exfoliate your lips every day with a lip scrub prior to treatment date and apply a lip moisturizer nightly. (We recommend applying organic honey) If lips are too dry the needle will not penetrate correctly - which may result in multiple sessions.

  • If you have had cold sores in the past, lip tattooing can and most likely will cause outbreaks. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that clients take a prescribed anti-viral medication a few days prior to their appointment and after the procedure to prevent an outbreak. Consult with your physician.

  • If you have an outbreak on your lip area, or any other type of scratch/acne please reschedule your appointment as soon as possible we are not able to work on you at this moment.

Eyeliner Precautions:

  • If you wear contacts, please wear glasses to the studio as no contacts can be worn during or 24 hours after procedure.

  • Do not wear eye make-up to this appointment.

  • What Factors Will Affect My Cosmetic Tattoo?

  • Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your body retains pigment. While this is not entirely in our control, it is important that you follow prep instructions to help minimize bleeding. This includes avoiding blood thinning medications, alcohol, caffeine and working out before your procedure.

  • Smoking: Smokers may notice that their tattoo will fade faster

  • Suns exposure/ UV rays: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading.

  • As with every tattoo in order to have proper healing, we recommend avoiding swimming, saunas, sun exposure, working out for two weeks following your appointment, so plan vacations accordingly.