Permanent Makeup Aftercare

General Aftercare Instructions

To obtain a beautiful final result with permanent makeup, following the aftercare instructions is extremely important. Over the next 7-14 days, the main objective is to maintain the color that was implanted. The treated area should be surface healed within 3-7 days; however, individuals vary, and lips may take longer than 14 days to heal. Full healing is complete within 4-6 weeks. After that, your final color and shape can be assessed and touched up if necessary. You must wait at least 4-6 weeks between applications. If you have any questions or concerns, call us.

Immediately after the procedure, the treated area will look much darker, bolder, and larger than the final results. The color will go through distinct changes over the next few weeks. It will take time for this transition, based on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates. Usually the exfoliation process, peeling, occurs within 4 to 5 days and completes about day 7. It is normal to lose 10-50% or more of the color during the healing process, producing a final result that is much lighter, softer, and more natural-looking. When you leave after your procedure, the color may be too dark. In three to five days, it may look too light. 7-10 days following your treatment, the color will begin to show more. The color will appear softer and/or lighter when healed completely in 4-6 weeks because the new outer skin will contain no color. You will be seeing the color in the dermis, inner skin, through the window of the new epidermis. If you think the final result is too light or the shape needs adjustment, we can darken your color and adjust the shape. That’s why you have a complimentary touch-up appointment within 6 months after your initial treatment.

Place absolutely nothing on the treated areas except the aftercare product, water and soap for cleaning as detailed below until healed. In general, this means using squeaky clean hands to blot a solution of mild soap and water on the site with a sterile gauze, followed by blotting with water to rinse, followed by blotting dry. Do not rub. Do not soak your treated areas in water. Use a Q-tip to apply a thin layer of aftercare product after and let the area dry naturally.

If you ignore the aftercare instructions, even for one day, you risk color loss and a poor result.

Some other aftercare considerations include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Use ibuprofen or acetaminophen for swelling and discomfort (whichever you prefer and works best for you).

  • Be very careful not to rub, scratch, scrub, or exfoliate the newly pigmented area.

  • Apply the aftercare ointment to newly pigmented area only, using a Q-tip to apply a very thin layer. After cleansing, let it dry. Do not seal the moisture in. This could lead to infection and color loss.

  • Regular makeup can be worn immediately after your procedure on areas of your face that have not been treated immediately after the procedure. Do not apply regular makeup on treated areas for at least 14 days. 

  • Absolutely nothing on the treated areas (except the aftercare product as directed) for 14 days.

    • No water except as directed for daily cleaning below.

    • No Vaseline.

    • No makeup, lotions, pencil, powder, etc.  

  • No sweating, exercise, or exertion of any kind after the procedure for at least 14 to 30 days. Sweat is salt. Salt is used to remove permanent makeup. It will prematurely fade, blur or cause the pigment not to take at all. Exercise and exertion will increase blood pressure, dilate blood vessels, and expand your pores, which increases swelling and oozing, allowing the body to absorb more of the pigment. You want to limit swelling as much as possible to prevent fading of your permanent makeup.

Sweat and swelling will make your permanent makeup fade.

  • Sleeping elevated with your head propped up for 7 days will help decrease swelling.

  • No sun or tanning booths for 30 days. Use sunglasses and a hat when outside. Use sunscreen once the surface has healed over to protect the pigment.

Sunlight will make your permanent makeup fade.

  • Do not swim in fresh, salt, or chlorinated water, or use a hot sauna, hot bath, or jacuzzi for 30 days. This will make your permanent makeup fade.

  • Operate a motor vehicle after the procedure at your own risk. For eye procedures, please bring a driver. Your eyes may be irritated and sensitive from the procedure and anesthetic.

  • Do not look in the rear-view mirror at your new makeup. Wait until you get home. Also, do not drive-in open-air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles for 30 days after the procedure. 

  • If you have fever blisters, you may have to repeat your Valtrex (or whatever your physician prescribed) if you start to break out. Please refer medical questions to your physician.

  • Please limit alcohol intake during the first 30 days, as it may lead to slow healing.

  • Do not peel or pick at your treatment are scabs or wet them to help them come off. Let them fall off naturally. Picking and pulling off skin that is not ready to be removed or come off will cause pigment loss and can pull out deeper tissue.  It will result in an uneven splotchy line or an indented scar. 

  • You may shower, but do not expose the treated area to the water–and certainly not the full pressure of the shower. You do not want the water to beat on the pigmented area. Follow instructions on how to pat, clean and dry the treated areas. No scrubbing.

Avoid scrubbing the treated areas for 30 days.

  • Please avoid using soaps containing alcohol or cleansing creams for 30 days.

  • If it can be avoided, try not to sleep with your face pushed into your pillow, especially for the first 14 days. This can cause swelling and you will lose color. It will stain your linens and you may rub or put pressure on the procedure site, which will contribute to color loss.

  • Not only now, but at any time in the future, do not expose your permanent makeup to Retin-A, Retinols, bleaching creams, glycolic acids, fruit acids, AHA acids, laser and chemical treatments, or peels. These products are excellent for your skin but be careful not to overlap them onto your permanent makeup.  They can lighten, change the color, or remove your permanent makeup color. 

Information contained in this document is not intended to offer or imply medical advice. Please consult your physician with any medical questions.